

March 15, 2021

Projects # Now that I’m done with my thesis, I’m adding links and (eventually) writeups for the projects I’ve worked on Research # I’ve written a bunch of code as part of research projects: varcompfa I wrote varcompfa for my MSc work. It’s a flexible testbed for comparing various reinforcement learning algorithms to ensure my experiments were conducted consistently and reproducibly. mdpy I work with Markov Decision Processes quite a bit; mdpy encapsulates a number of routines for solving and otherwise manipulating MDPs. ...


March 15, 2021

I’m still moving everything over from my previous site, and will be adding the various links once I have a chance Resources # A cheatsheet for some of the math that shows up in reinforcement learning It’s another one of those things that I’m working on making presentable, but it might still be of some use.


March 15, 2021

Research # Google Scholar aggregates most of the papers that I’ve written, although some are still in preparation. A copy of my MSc thesis is available on this site.

Generated Wed, 05 May 2021 23:10:04 MDT